How to become a successful programmer

✔️ Without leaving your full-time job
✔️ Without feeling overwhelmed
✔️ Without wasting time


Do it the right way.

Learn how to efficiently learn software development while keeping your full-time job without wasting hours upon hours on trying and failing.

✔️ Get a real understanding of how code actually works
✔️ Stop feeling overwhelmed by all the information that’s out there
✔️ Learn how applications are built in the real world

With my help, you will be able to constantly increase your skills until you are so proficient that companies are eager to hire you.


What I Do

I help beginners to learn everything there is about software development; efficiently and without feeling overwhelmed.

My mission is to make you an outstanding software developer.
So you know how to solve problems and build your own projects by yourself.


  • People with full-time jobs that seriously want to become good programmers.

  • Beginners that want to finally stop struggling and stop wasting time.

  • Intermediates that have trouble building their own first projects.



  • Getting a real, deep understanding of how to develop software.

  • Giving you a clear roadmap on what to do, why, and when.

  • Building your own project from beginning to end.

Click on the button below to get to the application form.

About Florian Rakete

Florian was a computer nerd from very early on. At the age of 10, he already made his first programs with Q-Basic on an old 386 machine. Not being very capable at sports, he continued coding away almost every day.

Now, more than 25 years, a Master's Degree, and lots of professional work experience later, he made it his mission to help beginners learn programming. Efficiently, without wasting precocious time, without feeling overwhelmed, and without being stuck in tutorial hell.

How does the application process look like?



1. You apply for the free consultation call.

In the first step, you have to go to my short application form.

By filling it out, you give me some information about your current situation and yourself, so I know how to help you in the best way.


2. We will call you and interview you.

In the second step, I personally or a team member will give you a short call to interview you.

It will take about 10 minutes to ask you some questions about what you want to accomplish and what obstacles keep you from achieving your goals.


3. We coordinate an appointment together.

In the last step, we will coordinate an appointment together where we both have 45-60 minutes for the free consultation call.

In this call, we will create an individual step-by-step plan for your current situation.

Client Results



“The Methods that the’re using are really really good”

Andrei finished his bachelor degree - but after that he was still lost when it came to actually building software by himself - with our help he filled the missing gaps in his skillset.


“Florian is really good at pointing you in the right direction”

Rida was trying to become a programmer for some time now, using YouTube, Udemy, and even joining and finishing a Bootcamp, but still, he didn’t really know how to actually build something himself.


I'm amazed that I can actually do this now.“

Jamie was working as a personal fitness trainer and had no prior experience with software development but always had a strong interest.
Trying to learn by himself didn’t get him the results he was looking for. With Florian’s help, he built his first own application after just a few weeks.

Take your first step and apply for a free consultation call now!


“In the past 12 weeks, I’ve learned more than the previous 4-5 years.”

Anthony was working in IT support for many years. Feeling that there are virtually no ways to advance his career in support, he tried to break into software development by himself. With Florian’s help, he was able to finally get a grip on how to build real-world applications.


“I improved tons, especially structurally”

Björn was a coding hobbyist - tinkering away on his own little projects, but was missing a key ingredient: how to actually write clean, maintainable code.
Working with the rakete mentoring team, he now finished building a real world complex application


“I can recommend this course to anyone that would like to get into software development”

Anna was working in automated testing. She was always interested in becoming a developer. She already had a good grip on simple syntax from her work experience, but she was lacking the bigger concepts on how software is built.


“I thought this is way too difficult for me”

Julian was working in an art gallery, but he was always interested in computers, building them, gaming, but never programming. Now working with us, he actually built an application that helps the same gallery to keep track of interesting art auctions.


“With Florian everything was different”

Mile tired various online courses, books, tutorials but none of them really worked, he got stuck a lot.
With the custom 1:1 support he built software to better control his 3D printer, a big hobby of his


“Before joining, I couldn’t write something without a tutorial”

Kyle was doing what everbody does - tutorials, tutorials, tutorials. But building something from scratch was not possible for him still. After joining he built his own D&D gameplay software.


 The Team


Florian Rakete
Head coach and Founder

Florian spends most of his time working with clients and is constantly devising new methods and systems to make learning more efficient.

Donovan Prince
Strategy Specialist

With his many years of in depth industriy knowledge and experience, Don helps new clients to come up with the perfect strategy to reach their specific goals most efficiently.

Michael Leithner

With over ten years of experience as a software engineer, and a Masters Degree in Game Engineering Michael helps clients quickly grasp new concepts and show them how things are done in the real world.


Isabella Mayer

With more than seven years in software engineering, Isabella assists clients in swiftly understanding new ideas and demonstrates practical applications of these concepts.

Corinna Rakete
COO & Success Manager

Corinna makes sure that all our client's needs are met on a daily basis. She is available for all your concerns and finds individual solutions for every situation.


Sabina Balut
Executive Assistant

Sabina makes sure that new clients are well prepared for their new programming journey

Apply now for a free consultation call!

Please be aware: Unfortunately, I am physically unable to serve more than a handful of clients while delivering strong results at the same time.

My service is highly in demand. To work with me, an application is necessary. In the free consultation call, we'll find out which strategies are best for your current situation and which levers will help you to get the next breakthrough.

Click on the button below to get to the application form: